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On Classical Method of Economic Analysis and its Contemporary Relevance: Kansantaloustieteen klassisesta menetelmästä ja sen nykyaikaisesta merkityksestä


Kansantaloustieteen analyysin klassinen menetelmä ja sen nykyaikainen merkitys


Classical Method of Economic Analysis and the Contemporary Relevance of Classical Economics


Essays on Economic Development and Growth


On Distributed Systems Architectures and Organisation: A Plan for a More Objective Search Engine


A Lyrical Letter: Poetic Memoirs (EPUB)


« Tablo nutriciounalo dóu Veganisme Àutenti: un rensignamen dietèti essenciau »


« Tablo nutricionalo dóu Veganisme Àutenti: uno referènço dietetico essencialo »


Grammaire de l’Idiome Niçois : accompagnée de nombreux éclaircissements historiques sur cet important dialecte de la langue d’Oc et précédée d’un exposé du vrai système orthographique de ce dialecte


Nouveau Dictionnaire Niçois-Français


Grammaire Historique de la Langue des Félibres : La Grammaire du Rhodanien


Historical Grammar of the Language of the Félibres: The Grammar of Rhodanian




《總是:生命的詩》(教育版與拼音)Always: Poems in Life (traditional Chinese – Pinyin – English edition)


《總是:生命的詩》(中英文)Always: Poems of Life (traditional Chinese - English edition)

Authentic Vegan, Consulting and Publishing

Authentic Vegan Store

Authentic Vegan Store is a publication and service provision outlet of the Authentic Vegan Group, formed by the Authentic Vegan organisation together with Authentic Vegan Consulting and Authentic Vegan Publishing units, all of which seek to improve the quality of human life through knowledge creation and extension, following the divine creation and intelligent design scientific approach and perspective applied to all relevant aspects of human life and livelihood.

The Group publishes valuable knowledge, its creative work and research findings, and makes its products, publications and services available directly through its online store.

All proceeds are dedicated to the preservation and protection of human life and rights.