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Mental Health

Sadly Mental Health is one of those things no one wants to talk about. Yet it can affect every aspect of your life.

Stress affects your mental health and your mental health affects your stress levels. It's a vicious cycle that if not managed properly can lead to anxiety, depression, and burnout. This in turn can lead to more health problems weakening your immune system, playing havoc with your hormones, and affecting all the other systems in your body that allow it to function properly.

Constant mental distress can hamper your ability to make good decisions. It becomes a challenge to communicate with those around you effectively, leading you to disconnect from others. This in turn can create problems at work and at home. A decrease in productivity and motivation can affect your job satisfaction. Leaving you isolated and distant from others.

Disregarding the effects of mental health ultimately leads to a reduction in your quality of life. It takes away the joy and appreciation of life. There is no happiness, no sense of gratitude, no motivation, no sense of a job well done. It creates a perpetual cycle of suffering that robs us of living life to the fullest.

One last note Don't suffer alone, Reach out there is help available. It may take time to find the right fit, but it's there.