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Three Studies in the Rotation of Diatonic Cells | solo ukulele


5 Weekday Workouts | solo ukulele


12 Sons of Jacob | solo ukulele


BALA | solo ukulele


Three for Ukulele | solo ukulele


In Every Heart | solo ukulele


Yr Wyddfa | solo ukulele


Rotating Skyscrapers | orchestral | PDF


Ozartmay | Orchestral | PDF


Unmovable Mover Shakers | Orchestral | PDF


Four Bridges, Four Movements | Orchestral | PDF


Young Countries | Orchestral | PDF


Six Prayers | Orchestral | PDF


Acoustical Anatomy | Orchestral | PDF


My Mind Directs My World | Orchestral | PDF


About Me

Lover of contemporary classical music and shred guitar.