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10 Tea Enhancing Ingredients

What should you do when plain tea tastes not good?  

Tea can have a bland, herbal taste at times! To make your drink more exciting and tasty, you may need a boost. 

Here's a list of ten ingredients that will make you want to drink a once-boring tea all day. 

This list is suitable for any green tea. The majority of the listed juices or ingredients are universal, which means they go with any tea. We recommend that you try each suggestion with a different type of tea to see what you come up with; we'll list a few teas that we think go well with each of them. 

You might find the ideal combination for yourself. Try to be positive when considering these ideas because they will amaze you!


Natural sweeteners include grapefruit, oranges, lime, and lemon. You can add the citrus juice by cutting up slices or by squeezing it into the cup. Use a strainer when juicing the lemon if you don't like pulp. The lemon and grapefruit are the most powerful of the three, but the orange can give the tea a subtle tanginess. Drink with any tea, but especially citrus-flavored teas.


While berries may seem strange in a tea, a combination of strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries will add fullness to the drink and make you feel less hungry. It adds sugar and texture to the tea. Combine with lavender, blueberry, peach, or hibiscus tea for a refreshing and blissful drink.


Cinnamon in your tea will add spice to your tea on crisp autumn afternoons or cold winter nights. Cinnamon makes you feel festive and allows you to eat a dollop of chocolate on the side or mix it into the tea. When stirred, the cinnamon's flakiness dissolves, masking the herbal tea's flavor. Teas with cinnamon, chocolate, pumpkin, or vanilla are all decent choices.


Honey is a traditional tea ingredient that many people use. The drink will thicken and be denser as you add more honey. If honey isn't sweet enough for you, try adding a squeeze of lemon. It will give the drink a soft, silky flavor that will cut through the tea's leafy flavor. You can balance the honey with lemon juice. Lemon, lemongrass, orange, or chamomile are all good additions. Honey and lemon with hot water are also beneficial. 


If you haven't noticed, lemon improves everything. Adding all three or a large amount of one of these herbs will enhance the aroma and flavor of your tea. You'll get a sweet, lemony flavor from this herb instead of harsh herbs. Green, chai, ginger, citrus, or chamomile teas are all great options.


If you've ever smelled mint, you know how strong and difficult it is to get into; To make green tea less boring, add as many or as few herbs as you like. Serve with a cup of green or mint tea.


Ginger will spice up and zing up your tea. It will not only clear your sinuses but will also relieve nausea and flu symptoms. If you use a lot of ginger and wait for it to dissolve, the flavor will be sourer. Combine with citrus, pomegranate, or chai tea for a refreshing drink.


Pure maple syrup makes any horrible tea better. You only need a shot or two to make a cup of gooey, golden goodness. Teas with vanilla, green, caramel, chocolate, or cinnamon are all excellent choices.


While Almond and Coconut will give your tea a creamy texture, they are much lighter than whole milk. The almond or coconut flavors, whichever you prefer, add a depth of flavor to the tea, making it easier to drink. Teas with cinnamon, chocolate, green, or pumpkin are all decent choices.


Sugar, sugar, sugar! And even more sugar! It may appear strange at first, but it melts into delicious goodness that will make you crave a second cup of tea. While this isn't the healthiest option, it sure is tasty. One of the best ways to serve tea will be with citrus, berry, mint, ginger sorbet, or vanilla ice cream. Combine with raspberry, peach, citrus, or green tea for a refreshing drink. 

Tea time will become more enjoyable as you try out these ten suggestions.