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Combine Drinks and Desserts into a Single Delightful Treat

Here's how to add these decadent desserts to your menu. 

Expect your next dessert to be a beautiful drink topped with ice cream, candy, or even pretzels. This trend not only introduces new flavors, but it also helps to revive traditional drinks by making them more playful and appealing. Furthermore, the creations are frequently Instagrammable and worth sharing on social media, implying that their popularity spreads quickly online and can assist your restaurant's online presence. Here's how to get started with these delectable desserts in your restaurant!

STEP 1: Decorate the interior of the glass with a lovely pattern.

Drizzle with chocolate saucecaramelcoffee sauce, matcha sauce, or any other thick sauce that contrast with the drink's color.

STEP 2: Add edible ornaments to the rim. 

Apply melted chocolate, syrup, or lemon juice to the rim. Mix in roasted nutsmarshmallows, and other goodies. The flourishes should be practical and have a flavor that complements the drink.

STEP 3: Consider incorporating a centerpieces ornament. 

You can add large goodies, such as donuts, whipped cream, and colorful edible straws, in addition to the rim, to create a beautiful focal point and balance the overall appearance of the drink.

Extra ideas for DECORATING 

If you are confused about ideas, try sprinkling tiny pieces of diced cake, fresh fruits, and icing to create a delectable cake theme. Only use shakes or smoothies for this as they are dense enough to keep the decorations from sinking.