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We often generally asked, 'Don't drinks need a lot of preparation and time?' 

The answer is that it depends. But the thing is, the option between homemade and store-bought drinks, sweeteners, toppings isn't as simple as black and white. Before you decide what to buy and what to make, there are a few things you need to consider.

Is Homemade superior to Store-Bought?

Don't get involved in the comparison game! There are times when there is no apparent Right or Wrong answer. We tried to find a balance between homemade and store-bought, eventually, we came to our thoughts and built a good strategy for determining what to buy versus make. Some things we like making, while others we do not! It's ok to purchase certain drinks rather than making everything in your kitchen.

Questions we ask ourselves when deciding whether to make it at home or buy it from the shop!

Is there a suitable store-bought substitute? 

Before you decide to make anything at home, consider whether a suitable store-bought option is available; Just because something is available in a store doesn't mean it's harmful; you have the choice to buy it or not.

One of our favorite examples of this is Boba Pearls. To make and use these boba pearls, you'll need to use two different techniques. Make the 'dough' for the tapioca pearls first, then form the dry tapioca pearls. Second, before using Boba Pearls in your favorite cocktail, you must cook them first. Buying boba pearls will save you time; Different shop-bought choices are available that they can be found in practically every Asian grocery store and on the web. 

Will i be able to save either money or time? 

If both high-quality store-bought and homemade alternatives are available, we consider the cost and the time it takes to make or purchase the drink. 

For example, compared to a $5 Matcha Latte from the shop, a handmade Matcha Latte is a fraction of the price.

Now, if the store-bought alternative is slightly more expensive than the homemade one, we consider the time required to prepare it. We can't include in time spent at the shop or store because we're going there anyway, so this relies on time spent in our kitchen.

We'll probably make it at home if it's quick and easy to prepare - and makes a large quantity that we can use more often.

Consider the following example: Milk tea is just tea mixed with milk! Just combine any tea with any milk. Easy recipes that take less than 10 minutes to prepare leave us feeling completely happy. Aren't those the best? 

Another example: There are many Simple Syrup Bottles available on the market at a reasonable cost, but there’s something special about making your own homemade syrup. Plus, it literally takes 5 minutes to mix together water and sugar.

However, if we could spend the time doing something else, we would buy it ready-made. Your time is valuable, and you must choose the right way to do it. There are a lot of great shops available today, so if we find a new drink, sweetener, flavor, or toppings, we're more than happy to pay for something pre-made when it saves us time!

Is this something i use daily? 

We would buy a flavor or topping that is only used a few times and has a store-bought equivalent than spend time attempting to make it ourselves.

For example, Taro drink. We buy Taro drink at the store if we want to drink it because we don't use Taro powder very often. The only time we shift from this rule is when we have Taro Powder on hand and make Taro Milk Tea at home.

Which should you choose: Homemade or Store Bought?

Here are some considerations to make while deciding which option to choose. 

Keep the following points in mind. 

  • Store-bought items contain many ingredients you may not recognize, but homemade ones have only the items you specify. 
  • Homemade takes time to prepare based on the recipe and method, but store-bought takes less time and effort.
  • While homemade involves ingredient shopping, preparation, cooking, and, in most cases, cleanup, shopping at the store requires purchasing. 

If time is a precious for you, this is a crucial step to consider.

Finally the only question that matters is the one you asked yourself at the early stage; what seems like the best option for me?

While it may appear to be very simple to choose one, the fact is that you should choose whatever works out fine for you! There are many shops to choose from if you prefer store-bought, but homemade works just as well. 

Sometimes you have a drink, taste, or topping that is more expensive to make at home and takes longer to prepare, but you still make it at home. 

Why? For the simple reason, It gives you a nice feeling.

So, Ready to make more of your favorite homemade drinks? 

This E-book will save you!!

how to make tea in less than 10 mins from now!

YOUR TEA YOUR WAY” — Whether that is Matcha, Bubble tea, Milk tea or anything else — Get INSTANT ACCESS when you purchase via the button below. You can get this valuable E-book for only £16.50!!