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Gram your drinks

How to Gram your Drink

Embark on a journey into the captivating realm of drink photography. Whether you find yourself in a cozy café or the comfort of your own home, capturing the perfect shot requires a touch of artistry and a few simple techniques.

Here are some basic pointers to help you get a great shot: 

1. Locate a soft, indirect natural light source. 

A sunny day's light is nice, but on a cloudy day, it's even better! What you often want is a subtle diffused light—that is, you don't want the sun shining directly onto the drink, creating a harsh glare. To soften the light and create a buffer between the sun and your beverage, close the blinds or curtains.

2. Make sure there's at least 3 to 5 feet between the drink and the wall behind it. 

It will help to separate the drink from the background, which is always aesthetically pleasing. Here are some glasswares and tools inspirations or simply head over our amazon storefront.

3. In your design, look for colors that are complementary or contracting. 

If you have a painting or poster in the background with those colors, a shot of red or deep orange might work well in a green drink like a Matcha Mule. Even if it's just your studio apartment, don't be afraid to experiment with color.

4. Allow a drink to sit in the glass long enough for a small amount of condensation to form. 

It's merely attractive!

5. Dress up the set with a few accessories. 

Do you have any leftover ingredients? Set them carefully around the drink to present them in a casual and aesthetically pleasing manner. For example, if you're photographing a Strawberry Matcha Latte, some berries and a small steel container of milk could nicely fill the frame.

6. Don't be afraid to snap a lot of shots. 

It's all done digitally, close-ups, wide shots, portrait and landscape modes. Go crazed. 

7. Filter with care. 

Showoffs should use #nofilter. It usually helps to increase the brightness and saturation.