Encapsulated Closet

Encapsulated Closet offers fully customized Capsule Wardrobes for women with overflowing closets yet nothing to wear. 

Personalized Consultation includes the creation of your own color palette; help purging your current closet; a new wardrobe that reflects your body, lifestyle, budget and personal fashion; recommended new items for your closet with links for purchase; digital outfits laid out for you that incorporates your new closet pieces and your old favorites. 

Mandie, the founder and owner of Encapsulated Closet, has a personal year long wardrobe of 55 items and is currently logging and sharing her 365 unique outfits made from those pieces all year long. The Ebook offered here is a copy of her personal Capsule Wardrobe with purchase links to exact or similar items as well as digital layouts of how to style the items.