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Real Sex Ed For Real People

It's hard to find real, useful, research-based AND understandable relationship and sex info online. Especially if you're not represented well in mainstream resources. That's why we've put together our own series of workshops, courses, and resources full of up to date and accurate info on dating, sex, pleasure, and relationships for the real world. Don't get your info from self declared online gurus who assume every body and relationship should look like a stereotype. Real world sex ed for grown ups means useful, accurate and anti-oppressive content that keeps evolving just like you.

image of Ruth Neustifter, PhD, RP, RMFT-S

Ruth Neustifter, PhD, RP, RMFT (they/them)

Dr. Ruthie is a graduate university professor & researcher based in Ontario, Canada where they focus on areas including: anti-oppression, diverse genders/sexualities/relationships, sexual pleasure and communication, pleasure after trauma, and more. They have been doing workshops online and in person for over 20 years and absolutely love connecting with creative learners and pleasure seekers all over the world.