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Close-up of a sliced orange by crystal glassware - Summertime Celebration


Close-up of white and pink lemonade, fruit-decorated glasses and jug - Summertime Celebration


Over-the-head shot of a hand holding a pink lemonade glass - Summertime Celebration


Shot of white and pink lemonade glasses and jug, with lemon and strawberry slices - Summertime Celebration


Portrait of pink and cloudy lemonade glasses on silver tray - Summertime Celebration


Portrait of hovering sand-wasp on white lily flowers - Summertime Celebration


Overhead landscape of glasses and jugs of pink lemonade on silver serving tray - Summertime Celebration


Over-the-head shot of jug and glasses of pink lemonade on silver tray - Summertime Celebration


Portrait of three glasses of pink lemonade in back garden - Summertime Celebration


Eye-level shot of citrus-themed outdoor tablescape - Summertime Celebration


Eye-level close-up of citrus-themed tablescape - Summertime Celebration


Portrait of citrus-themed tablescape in back garden - Summertime Celebration


Portrait of two glasses of lemonade with a sliced orange beside them - Summertime Celebration


Lemon-decorated place settings, surrounded by glassware and citrus fruits - Summertime Celebration


Close-up of lemon-detailed place settings surrounded by citrus fruits - Summertime Celebration


Close-up of lemonade glass by lemon-decorated place setting - Summertime Celebration


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