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Over-the-head shot of pink, white and orange flower stems and leaves on white backdrop - Flowers


Landscape shot of pink, orange and white flower stems laying against a white backdrop - Flowers


Landscape shot of pink and white flower stems peeking in from the right - Flowers


Landscape close-up shot of daffodil heads against light-grey backdrop - Flowers


Landscape close-up shot of two orange flower heads against white backdrop - Flowers


Portrait close-up of orange flower head, with vase and flower in background - Flowers


Landscape close-up of orange flower head against white backdrop - Flowers


Close-up of light, pink flower head, framed by other stems against white backdrop - Flowers


Close-up of light, pink flower head on stem, with others in background - Flowers


Landscape close-up of pink flower head on stem - Flowers


Close-up portrait of pink flower head on stem - Flowers


Landscape close-up of orange flower heads and leaf sprig in pink glass vase - Flowers


Over-the-head shot of orange flowers in a pink vase, on top of books and paper - Flowers


Close-up shot of yellow flower heads and stems in a rosy-pink vase, on an oak sideboard - Flowers


Portrait of yellow flower stems and leaves in a small vase, on top of a small stack of books - Flowers


Portrait shot of orange-yellow flowers in a tall, pink vase on oak sideboard surrounded by paper - Flowers
