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Over-the-head shot of pink roses wrapped in brown paper, with a candle and ribbon to accessorise - Flowers


Close-up portrait of dark-pink roses, laying on white-grey marble flooring - Flowers


Close-up, over-the-head shot of dark-pink roses on a marble backdrop - Flowers


Over-the-head landscape shot of dark-pink roses wrapped with a silk ribbon - Flowers


Landscape shot of pink roses, notebook and mug of tea on white tablecloth - Flowers


Over-the-head portrait of pink roses, notebook with pen and tea mug - Flowers


Over-the-head shot of a vase of pink roses, mug and pen on oak sideboard - Flowers


Landscape shot of pink roses in a vase, with pink mug and pen nearby on oak sideboard - Flowers


Portrait of pink roses in a vase on top of a notebook, with mug and pen nearby - Flowers


Close-up portrait of pink roses and leaf sprigs in a vase, with mug and pen on sideboard - Flowers


Bunch of pink roses and leaves in a round vase on a wooden sideboard - Flowers


Landscape shot of daffodil flowers in a vase on oak sideboard, with plant and candle accessories - Flowers


Portrait of daffodil bunch in a vase, on a wooden side board, with wicker basket - Flowers


Portrait of daffodil bundle in a tall, bottle-style vase - Flowers


Close-up portrait of daffodil heads against a light-grey background - Flowers


Portrait of daffodils in a vase and stems resting on book pile - Flowers
