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Portrait of a wooden, savoury charcuterie board surrounded by food - Food


Close-up portrait of a charcuterie board, laden with cheese and ham - Food


Landscape shot of stacked pink-iced doughnuts on a plate - Food


Over-the-head portrait of a pink doughnut on a plate, complete with a wooden spoon and scattered sweets - Food


Portrait of four pink doughnuts, stacked on a white square plate - Food


Close-up portrait of four stacked, pink-iced doughnuts with sprinkles - Food


Over-the-head close-up of three pink doughnuts stacked on a square plate - Food


Over-the-head shot of stacked pink doughnuts on a plate with a wooden spoon - Food


Stacked pink iced doughnuts on a white, square plate - Food


Over-the-head portrait of stacked chocolate cookies on a cream cloth - Food


Shot of a stack of chocolate cookies on a cream cloth, with crumbs - Food


Portrait shot of stacked chocolate cookies on a white cloth - Food


Shot of a stack of chocolate cookies in the back and broken pieces in front - Food
