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Close-up portrait of the bride's shoe clasp being done up - Getting Ready


Close-up black and white portrait of the bride's dress being buttoned up - Getting Ready


Black and white portrait of the groom looking out of a window - Getting Ready


Portrait of the groom and groomsman getting ready - Getting Ready


Close-up landscape shot of groom wearing wristwatch - Getting Ready


Close-up landscape of bride having her eye make-up applied - Getting Ready


Close-up portrait shot of bride having her make-up applied - Getting Ready


Portrait of bride's dress hanging on doorframe with veil accessory - Getting Ready


Portrait of the bride's dress reflected in circular mirror - Getting Ready


Landscape close-up of the smiling bride in her silk robe - Getting Ready


Portrait of the standing bride smiling in her silk robe - Getting Ready


Landscape close-up of the bride wearing her lace garter - Getting Ready


Black and white close-up of the bride's lace garter - Getting Ready


Landscape close-up shot of pearl and diamond hairpin being positioned - Getting Ready


Portrait of the seated bride in a robe having her hair made-up - Getting Ready


Close-up portrait of a bride having her hair braided - Getting Ready
