As someone who has a desire to find knowledge and the truth I have always wanted to learn about Yahuah's word properly. I grew up in the church where I was taught what I should believe about the Bible. I did read on my own but at times I felt like I wasn't getting everything I could out of Yahuah's word. With prayer and greater study I did learn more. However, I knew I was still missing a lot of information. I knew that if I could learn Biblical Hebrew I could gain a deeper understanding of the Yah’s word. I prayed about it and felt Yahuah nudging me to learn Hebrew to gain a better understanding of his word for myself.
In learning the Hebrew language and the context behind the scriptures in the Bible I found the way I begin to think changing. It’s even becomes easier to understand Yahuah's ways because I'm looking at them more concretely. This is because in Hebrew the meaning of words are concrete and not abstract like a lot of concepts in English. As someone who was tried of worrying about translation manipulations or errors I thought that learning what the words meant for myself would help, and it has! I know the Biblical Hebrew language is not a perfect replication of ancient Hebrew but for me I it’s better than not learning Hebrew at all.
I mention all of this to say I encourage you to seek the most High and ask him whether he’d also like you to learn Hebrew.If you do decide to learn Hebrew I have a couple of resources on my website, such as printable tracing pages and Hebrew vocabulary. If your curious the paleo Hebrew font I used is from :
(note that this site doesn't always load), the font and others can also be found here:
Shalom, and thanks for reading this blog post!
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