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Embracing Spiritual Alchemy: Navigating Change and Growth

Embracing Spiritual Alchemy: Navigating Change and Growth

This is part one, a partial introduction to my Lightworker Witchcraft class. The steps I've taken to become who I am might shock you, but they were necessary for me to teach others.

Dimensional shifting isn't what you might expect. You may think you'll instantly reach a higher level, but it's more complex than that. You need to be willing to let go and accept changes—what I call your "tower moment." If you're not prepared, it can disrupt you and those around you, especially if they can't handle the changes you're experiencing. This is where spiritual alchemy comes in. It may not feel rational or normal. You might find yourself repeatedly going through dark phases because the universe will close old doors and open new ones, some of which you may not want to close.

"Imagine you're on an 'energy ascension train', trying to bring others along, but the train is moving too fast, and you can't reach them. This process might seem crazy, but it's a reminder that some changes might catch you unprepared." - Artemisia Lore

This week, I tried something new. I changed my frequency, calmed my mind, and made long-overdue choices. Consider whether you want certain people in your life—good, bad, emergencies, family, income, love, etc. If you can't break the karmic cycles holding you back, you might need to do something unexpected. Those who truly love you will stay with you on this journey; others will let go. You must be ready and content with this possibility.

This week, I tried something new. I changed my frequency, calmed my mind, and made long-overdue choices. Consider whether you want certain people in your life—good, bad, emergencies, family, income, love, etc. If you can't break the karmic cycles holding you back, you might need to do something unexpected. Those who truly love you will stay with you on this journey; others will let go. You must be ready and content with this possibility.

Through continuous meditation, solitude, and quieting my thoughts, I gained clarity. Something was holding me back: the emotional chains to loved ones. The spirits and universal energies-initiated changes for me, whether I was ready or not. Sometimes, you need to accept that you might be chosen to teach others through your own hurt and heartbreak. It can be uncomfortable, but ultimately, more people will understand.

As a witch, I chose to embrace the unconventional rather than what's considered normal, causing confusion and frustration among many. It was necessary to see who would stay with me through anything. At this turning point in my life and the year, I needed to shift energies in a different direction. If you're willing to take the risk, do something unexpected. Meditate, stay quiet, and keep your plans to yourself. Ask for what you wish as long as it doesn't harm others. If your intentions are harmful, be prepared for the lessons that come with it.

As a witch, I chose to embrace the unconventional rather than what's considered normal, causing confusion and frustration among many.