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This year Women’s History month was different for me personally. Over the years I have paid homage to all the celebrity women past and present that has accomplished so much and open so many doors. However, I never sat and thought about the women directly around me that are doing so many awesome things. These women has the same potential to make amazing history as well. In addition, I have never saw myself as a person who could make history. After talks with a friend I realized that history is in me and I am history. Everything that I am doing will become a part of my history for my kids, grandkids, their kids and kids to come. I am a woman that my family can be proud of past, present, and future. I have come to realize that as women we don’t give enough credit to ourself for the accomplishments we have make in life.  If our accomplishments doesn’t measure up to what society says is great we down play ourself. I no longer want to have that mindset for my life. I have accomplish things I never thought I would in my life and if no one else is proud, I am proud of myself. I no longer want to be a shame to talk about the things I have achieve out loud. No more dimming my light to make others comfortable with their self. It’s not bragging – It’s FACTS!  In the words of my friend, Put on your shades if my light is shinning too bright for you!


Ladies let’s start walking in our purpose and acknowledging that we are making history every heel toe step we make daily. We are more than super moms, but we’re super business women as well. Let’s make the connections to continue moving our history forward. “Even if it makes others uncomfortable, I will love who I am.” – Janelle Monae  Do not allow the opinions of others to change the direction your going, it’s your vision and your goals follow your heart. Use the negativity to compel you to accomplish more, brag more on yourself, and shine your light even brighter. Remember the ones who see your accomplishments more are the ones who are too jealous to like any of your post, but too darn nosey to unfollow you on any social media platforms. Therefore, give them a show because being you don’t cost you a thing.