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60 Amazing Uses For Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been around for hundreds of years, and has been used for a multitude of natural remedies to cure or alleviate a variety of sicknesses and ailments. It is one of the most natural and versatile oils there are, and while it's not considered an essential oil per se, it does however, make an amazing carrier oil to blend with a multitude of essential oils that need a carrier oil to be mixed, in order to safely use it on your body.

Here are 60- yep, you read that right 60 A-MAZ-ING uses for Coconut Oil that I have broken down into categories such as, 'Health', 'Beauty', 'DIY & Around the Home' , & 'Cooking'. Be sure you print this out to reference back to, bookmark it, or do it the 'old fashioned way' and grab a pen and paper to jot a few of these down, of which you feel would be most beneficial to you and/or your family. Enjoy!


1. Eat a teaspoon for an energy boost or take a spoonful with your daily vitamins to help increase absorption.

2. Ingesting Coconut Oil is said to help Thyroid conditions.

3. Use Coconut Oil to help soothe chicken pox, shingles, and other skin irritations & rashes.

4. Apply to athletes foot, ringworm, or other fungal infections. 

5. Dab a little on baby's diaper rash.

6. Massage & comb through on Infants scalp to help rid cradle cap.

7. Use in place of massage oils.

8.Consuming Coconut Oil while nursing is said to increase your milk flow.

9. Apply to bug bites to soothe itch & sting.

10. If you get nosebleeds in the winter time, coat the inside of your nose with a small amount.

11. It is said that taking a spoonful will help reduce & eliminate migraines.

12. Massage into tired, achy, or sore muscles to help relieve the pain.

13. Mix a small amount with Oregano and apply to the first signs of a cold sore.

14. Dab on a canker sore to speed up the healing and help soothe the pain.

15. Ingest a small amount and let it dissolve in your mouth and run down the back of your throat to ease the discomfort of a sore throat.

16. Spread a thin layer over a burn to quicken to healing time.

17. Use as a base for a homemade body scrub, toothpaste, or lotion.

18. Use as a base for a vapor rub.

19. Mix with lemon balm, tea tree oil or rosemary for creating an inspect repellent. 


20. Use as a super conditioner for your hair. Apply to dry hair, then shampoo as normal.

21. Use as a styling agent for dry hair. Rub a small amount into your palms and apply to hair.

22. Add some to a small container to use as lip balm.

23. Dab a small amount under your arms to use as a natural deodorant. 

24. Use in place of shaving cream. 

25. Add a small amount to your bath water to create a moisturizing soak.

26. Use as a natural make-up remover.

27. Use around your eyes to help prevent wrinkles.

28. Use as a mascara brush cleaner.

29. Brush on eyelashes to strengthen them.

30. Apply to pimples & acne to help heal them.

31. Apply to cracked or rough heels.

32. Massage into your nails and cuticles to help strengthen them.

33. Mix with the spice Nutmeg and apply to blemishes for 15 minutes, then wash off and notice the difference in your skin...(omgosh!)

34. If you wax at home, use on tour skin after waxing to help with the redness & remove any excess wax.

35. Apply to stomach when pregnant to help aid in preventing stretch marks.

36. Use to help reduce the visibility of stretch marks after pregnancy.

(Please note: Sometimes inspite our best efforts, we still get stretch marks in pregnancy, because they can be hereditary. Regardless, even if you have them, you are just as beautiful now as you were before getting them. Embrace them.)

DIY|Around the Home

37. Use in place of WD-40

38. Mix with baking soda to create a non-toxic form of Goo-Gone

39. Use as a metal polish. (Be sure to test out a small area first.)

40. Use to season cast iron pans.

41. Use it to remove chewing gum from the bottom of your shoes.

42. Use to condition your wooden cutting boards.

43. Use as a leather moisturizer. (Be sure to test a small area first.)

44. If you have gum stuck in your hair (before grabbing the scissors!), try using a small amount of Coconut Oil. The gum should come right out!

45. Use as a guitar string lubricant. 

46. Use on a slightly damp cloth to clean a slimy shower- Wipe the surface again with more Coconut Oil, followed by spraying with vinegar and then wipe dry.

47. Try as a non-toxic flea treatment on cats & dogs- Depending on the severity, it may or may not be enough.

48. Use a small amount on faux or real plants to shine the leaves in place of the chemical-filled sprays that can be purchased.

49. Add a small amount to a cloth to detail the interior of your car.

50. Use to clean brushes and hands after painting with oil-based paint. 


51. Replace the less healthy oils in your kitchen with Coconut Oil.

52. Add a teaspoonful to smoothies to help add flavor & added nutrition. 

53. Use to oil your pans and baking sheets instead of pan spray.

54. Put a small amount on toast and add cinnamon for healthy cinnamon toast.

55. Use as a base for homemade candy, such as chocolates.

56. Mix with garlic and use it to make food extra flavorful. 

57. Adds flavor to baked goods.

58. Make your own peanut butter using Coconut Oil as the base.

59. Use as a lubricant when cutting up sticky things such as marshmallows for recipes.

60. Use instead of shortening when making homemade pie crusts or biscuits.  

I hope you have learned as much as I did when I was doing the research for this blog post. With this being my first blog post ever on this website, I wanted to make sure it was something of value to others currently living a holistic lifestyle, as well as, those of whom want to start in this new year. It is something that many could benefit from, in so many ways.