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8 Tips To Declutter Your Home

When it comes to decluttering your home, sometimes it can be intimidating, especially if you have children. As any parent knows, with kids come a lot of stuff and messes. Tackling just one room can feel daunting and overwhelming sometimes. However, it doesn't have to be. There are ways to make it less daunting and more rewarding. Following these simple and effective strategies can help you declutter your home in no time. 

  • Start Somewhere

I know this may sound obvious, to when you are standing there looking at a huge mess that feels intimidating, it can be overwhelming. Simply choosing a place to start in any particular spot and work your way around the room, is helpful. Start with that overflowing stack of papers that keeps growing daily with more mail. If you're organizing rather than actually cleaning and you're starting in your kitchen, start with your junk drawer or refrigerator and work your way around the kitchen. Starting small and working your way to the larger, more challenging tasks can get you in the flow of organizing and/or cleaning.

  • Make Three Separate Piles

When you are organizing a space, start by making three separate piles; one labeled 'Keep', one labeled 'Sell', and one labeled 'Donate', this makes sorting more organized and helps it go so much faster. Depending on the types of items you are sorting, you can use trash bags, boxes, bins, or even laundry baskets to separate. Utilize whatever you have on hand to help you with organizing, there is no need to run out and buy brand new acrylic storage bins for sorting. If you choose to use them when you are organizing a space with items you're keeping, that's one thing. They look esthetically pleasing and makes a place look really well put together and organized, but there is no need to have them for the sorting process, a garbage bag or box will do just fine. 

  • Use The 5 Second Rule 

Using the good old 5 second rule can actually be very beneficial. You may be surprised just how much you find yourself getting rid of by trying this method. So what is this method? It's simple! Pick up an item and hold it for 5 seconds. If that item does not bring you joy or hold a sentimental value, it needs to go! Its taking up space, contributing to the clutter, and doesn't even bring you joy. This is a great method to use paired with the one mentioned above. You can simply toss the unwanted, no joy giving items into the donate or sell box. Which moves us onto the next method.

  • Ask Yourself If The Item Brings You Joy or Has Sentimental Value

This one is simple....Does the item bring you joy or have any sentimental value?

For example, it belonged to your deceased loved one. Those types of items we tend to want to hold onto because they are a little piece of the person we miss so much. If the item(s) do have sentimental value, do not feel forced to get rid of them. You cam simply and safely store them in a chest, safe, or even a labeled Rubbermaid tote.

  • Get Rid Of Multiples

Look around the room, do you see any multiples of items that you do not need multiples of?

For example, multiple blow dryers, the same products piled under the bathroom sink, or even kitchen gadgets. It amazes me how many tumblers we end up with in my household. Anyone else? If so, go through them and keep only a couple of your favorites and donate the rest. Getting rid of multiples of the same item can really declutter a space and help transform it into a much more organized and aesthetically pleasing space.

  • Set Limits

When you are going through a room or closet, make sure to set limits. Set a time limit so you aren't spending too much time in one area or spot, and not allowing yourself time to complete the other tasks. Give yourself 20-30 minutes per room or closet, unless the work needing done requires more time. Just make sure it is a reasonable amount of time and not unrealistic. No one can sort through floor to ceiling stacks of clothes, papers etc. within 20 minutes. If you're working in a space like that, start with giving yourself one hour. See what you can accomplish within that hour.

  • Recycle♻️, Recycle♻️, Recycle♻️

Many of us do not realize that certain items we have lying around the house and taking up space, are items that can actually be recycled. I'm not talking about the obvious paper, cans, and bottles. I'm referring to that old computer monitor sitting in your closet floor or garage, as well as that old TV, and those drawers of old cell phones and magazines. Put them all in separate boxes and haul them to the city dump, or call one of those places that pick up your junk and recycling for you.

  • Don't Allow Your Boxes To Sit Around

Now that you did all that hard work of sorting out those boxes of Keep, Sell, Donate, make sure you don't allow them to stay in that spot or even your garage for 3 months. Take them to wherever you are wanting to donate, and make sure you have posted the sell items wherever you're selling the items. The keep box needs to be sorted through and organized, with each item finding a permanent home. Clothes in drawers or hanging in the closet, books on shelves etc. This helps you stay organized.

I hope that these 8 tips have helped give you some ideas how to tackle any mess. Give them a try and see how they work for you. When you're done, take a step back and take it all in. Look at what you accomplished! How does it feel?