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Rising from the Depths: My Journey to Self-Love and Reinvention

My journey through self-love has been a raw and intricate narrative, woven with threads of resilience, challenges, and a quest for authenticity. From the early days of teenage motherhood to the illusions of a kingdom marriage, my path was filled with responsibilities, expectations, and a relentless determination to overcome every adversity that crossed my way.

The road to self-love wasn't a paved one. It required a level of transparency with myself that was uncomfortable, and often, downright painful. I found myself in a deep hole of my own making, wondering if the climb out was even possible. The weight of my responsibilities felt like an Atlas burden, and though surrounded by people, I felt like I was walking alone, carrying loads that weren't mine to bear.

It was a wake-up call when I realized that my determination to help others carry their loads was depleting my own energy. I had to confront the truth - I couldn't be everyone's savior. I had to let people carry their own burdens, learn, and grow within their own realities. It left me drained, exhausted, and questioning the imbalance in my relationships.

As I fell into the abyss of sorrow, those around me seemed incapable of providing the support and fulfillment my soul craved. Perhaps, it was a divine isolation, forcing me to seek fulfillment within myself. The resistance I faced was palpable - financial instability threatened my mental and emotional well-being, triggering memories of a 13-year-old girl who once hated her life.

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The journey of self-love became a journey back to my broken, yet resilient, self. At 28, I found myself asking, "How did I get here?" It was as if I was a bystander, not the main character shaping her own destiny. The game of life felt like it had hit the pause button, and I had to learn to play again from the resume button.

Watching my bank account decrease, witnessing my credit score plummet 160 points, and shouldering increasing responsibilities felt like a cruel game of survival. My inner voice echoed with questions: "What are you going to do now? How did you get here?" It was a stark reminder of the last time I had to start over, invoking a sense of PTSD.

Crying and praying for strength became a daily ritual as I put my best foot forward. Some days, I embraced the moment; other times, I found myself stuck in a loop of doubt. But each step forward, no matter how small, was a testament to my resilience and commitment to rediscover the love within myself.

Self-love, I discovered, is being honest with yourself and facing those ugly truths that can help you reach new heights. Slowing down, staying in the present, and taking things step by step is essential; momentum will come. Taking time to rest, unplugging the mind, and healing the energetic body with sound frequencies became a pivotal part of my journey. If you're experiencing any form of trauma, anxiety, or uneasiness, make time for sound therapy. I love to listen to specific frequencies at certain times of the day, providing healing for my body and nervous system when I'm resting. Try it out and let me know how it works for you on Instagram (Naturally Dupreea).

To wrap up this blog, I wanted to mention IndaCloud for those who indulge. IndaCloud is a 100% legal THC company that delivers right to your door. Check them out for all your flower and gummy cravings. Please be responsible and be over 21. Embrace the journey of self-love, and remember, you have the power to rewrite your narrative and reclaim your love for yourself.