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DM 070 - sitpop, nailpop & huge blowpop - 44:59min


DM 069 - sitpop, pumpop, nailpop - 34:30min


DM 068 - stompop, nonpop, sitpop, beachball pop - 53:13min


DM 067 - riding a double GL1200, deflating - 72:14min


DM 066 - Casting Lisa sitpop, nailpop, blowpop, infla beachball - 82:55min


DM 065 - blowpops with big balloons - 53:58min


DM 064 - nailpop, sitpop, pumppop Q24, infla pop -63:35min


DM 063A - sockpop, sitpop, nailpop gl700 - 87:19min


DM 061 - Sitpops with gl700, blowpops, more sitpops - 75:05


DM 062 - fingerpops and sitpops - 26:28min


DM 063B - Infla beachball inflated and popped - 26:49min
