Nyx Mutto - Scientific Creative Releases

Hello, you have procured an audience with me. I am for your immediate inquiry addressed as Nyx Muto Lead Scientific Creative  👦👨‍🔬👨‍🎨👨‍💻 of Research, Development, and Engineering company Cyber Underground.

I am highly immersed in the modules of an array of sciences stemming from the Computational.

My primary science and all of my derivative work is comprised primarily with the integrationg and imaging of Computational Sciences. I do Biology or studying the human anatomy. Natural Science or the study of the world around us including but not limited to Nature, Animals, and they way they work at odds parasiticly and symbiotic in parrallel to the environment,  Social Science behaviors and they way humans worm, and Theological Science or what is the unknown and what that means for us. 

As a scientist who sees both inside and out I am able to derive a unique excitement among people who even glance at one of my works. Exciting intrusitive inner thought with acute attention to detail you will leave more knowledgeable with the ease whether you read or look at the inner workings of Nyx Muto.

As a visual UX I create attributes that match my inquisitive nature in science being fully parralel creating a style with an inmate substance.

HERE I will be releasing new materials such as books, audiobooks, audio experimentations, and assorted goods/works for your pleasure. 

I use this due to its very easy integrative service and the ability to go to market at an extremely fast pace and at my own rate.

However there are several other ways:
For example I have an available Amazon Account you may purchase through

As well as a Bandcamp for Audio Experimentations.

You SHOULD follow me on all social media platforms you never know what you may find on them. They are updated frequently with material you will enjoy.
