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Dr Bob's prescription for sobriety

Dr. Bob's advice on how to stay clean and sober was brilliant in its simplicity.

  • Trust God
  • Clean house
  • Work with others

If we do those 3 things on a daily basis, we will not drink again. It is simple isn't it? Don't believe its that simple? Lets do the Dr. Bob validity test. Take this prescription once a day for 30 days in a row and you will become a believer.

We created these simple post cards to remind us of what works on the disease of alcoholism. Use them to send reminders for events or service meetings, use them to send reminders for speakers meetings, and pass them out to newcomers with your phone number on them.

50% discount if you order Dr. Bob's reproduction post cards

To help you get started, go ahead and order a pack of reproduction post cards to get the Higher Powered concept cards for 50% off. You don't need to do anything, the banner will pop up once you put the post cards in your cart. This offer is good for the entire year of 2024--after that-- the offer expires.

Prescription for sobriety? Ask Dr. Bob.