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How to Play Octaves


Hannon's Exercise (different approach)


Fundamentals. (new version)


Fundamentals (clip 2)


Fourth Finger's Problem (new version)


Fingers' Strengthening


Fingers in Legato


Double Notes' Legato


Crossings and Crossovers in Scales


Crossings and Crossovers in Arpeggios


Coordination of Fingers and Forearm in Legato


Thoughts on the recent recordings(micro-dynamics, Skeleton crescendo and diminuendo, physical supplements for phrasing)


Various technical and musical advices (2)


Various technical and musical advices (1)


Pianistic Aids and Ways to Unify Musical Process


About Me

I received my Master’s degree with distinction in piano and musicology from the St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad) Conservatory, St. Petersburg, Russia, and Ph.D. in musicology from Russian Institute of the Arts History. For 17 years I served as Music director for the preeminent Bolshoi Drama Theatre in St. Petersburg, and performed with the theater in Europe, Argentina, and Japan. During the same time I had faculty appointments in College at St. Petersburg Conservatory, and the University of Culture. In total, I have taught piano for 58 years, and currently teach from my own studio in Dallas, Texas, where I have lived since 1989. I also perform, lecture, offer master classes, and judge piano competitions. I am the author of several articles, and recently I have published a book, The Anatomy of Musicality. In 2016 I received the award from Texas State Music Teachers Association for “Outstanding Teaching Achievement”.