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'The Stars Go Over the Lonely Ocean' by Robinson Jeffers - Poem Analysis


'The Spring' by Thomas Carew - Poem Analysis


'The Sea and The Hills' by Rudyard Kipling - Poem Analysis


'The Hour is Come' by Louisa Lawson - Poem Analysis


'The Darkling Thrush' by Thomas Hardy - Poem Analysis


'Surplus Value' by David C Ward - Poem Analysis


'Stabat Mater' by Sam Hunt - Poem Analysis


'Renouncement' by Alice Meynell - Poem Analysis


'Love (III)' by George Herbert - Poem Analysis


'Eel Tail' by Alice Oswald - Poem Analysis


'Description of Spring' by Henry Howard - Poem Analysis


'Australia 1970' by Judith Wright - Poem Analysis


'An Afternoon Nap' by Arthur Yap - Poem Analysis


'A long journey' by Musaemura Zimunya - Poem Analysis
