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Top 10 incredibly successful inspiring life hacks to motivate today's entrepreneur

Top 10 incredibly successful inspiring life hacks to motivate today's entrepreneur

When we find ourselves at the end of our lives we want to look back on the last 80 years of our lives, and ask did I do what I love? For most people unfortunately this may be a hard question to answer. 

Was I successful? This is another question that will could unsettle you. 

Being successful does not always mean being a billionaire, because believe it or not money is not what is important. I know rich people that are just not happy and for the most part that would be their career choices in life. 

I learned this the hard way, I have found myself making good money at a job that honestly I hated I was not happy. 

I was miserable and I hated not only the company but hated the customers I know that is not nice to say but it is the truth. 

The job I had did not make me happy it didn’t fulfill me and I realized the reason why I was not happy, I was not happy because that job was not my passion it was someone else’s passion. 

Believe me, I tried to make the best of my situation, and I tried to smile but I felt trapped imprisoned in a job that I despised and that I was only there because if I didn’t have anywhere else to go so I thought. 

One day on my youtube feed I discovered motivators like Les brown, Gary Vaynerchuk and Tony Robbins. The more I listened to them I came to realize that I had to create my career. I was wasting my life trying to do what made others happy. 

Making companies richer while I was stuck getting the same salary and come to find out it was not even enough to live. My job was not fulfilling me as a person. 

What I did next has changed my life completely I started studying entrepreneurship and I have not looked back and I found my passion. 

My passion was not the millions of dollars that I was destined to earn, it is the ability to create a service or product that can help others. 

They say that entrepreneurship is a lonely place to be but the truth is it is one of the most rewarding decisions I have ever made in my life. 

Here are 10 incredibly successful inspiring life hacks to motivate today’s entrepreneurs. 

Find Successful friends: Find people that share the same enthusiasm even when you are going to date someone find a partner that sees the value of entrepreneurship. 

There is nothing worst to have somebody that is always knocking on your ideas every moment he or she gets, the same goes with your friends. 

Find what you love: Finding what you love and start earning from that passion is better than being in a job that you hate and can’t stand. 

Top 10 incredibly successful inspiring life hacks to motivate today’s entrepreneur

Put in the work: Be ready to put in at least 30 to 50 hours a week on what you love to make it work. If you are just starting, at first paying the bills would be a necessity so don’t quit your day job but when you get home, work on your business like if it was a second job believe me you will rake in the benefits in the long run.

Stay Positive: No matter what happens stay positive and motivated. Life tends to spit in our faces and what can go wrong will go wrong so stay as positive as possible.

Always keep learning: Learning is a big part of being an entrepreneur. Make it a habit to read books about your industry, marketing self-help, or business books. 

Believe it or not, watching courses on Coursera or linked in learning you would be surprised the amount that I have learned just binging linked in learning courses. 

So if you are thinking about investing in Netflix think twice and invest in Linked in learning or if you do not have time to read listen to books. 

Create personal and business goals Goals are very important it is like your GPS it tells you where you want to go and how to get there. Knowing your personal goals can make it clear what you want in life and will help you create better business Goals. 

Don’t Make Excuses One of my childhood mentors once told me Excuses are like asses everybody has one. So don’t fall into a bad habit of creating excuses on why you can’t do something it is better to do it and fail than never do it. You would be very surprised that your excuses are 9 out of 10 times wrong and dangerous. 

Take Risks The best opportunities come from risks we should always leap of faith and keep our eyes on the north star. 

Learn organizing skills Being organized is a crucial part of being successful, using tools like google calendar to set up your appointment and even keep track of your tasks. 

I love Google Drive because you can create folders and upload your work and keep everything on a cloud so it is easier to access and it is all in one place. 

Stick to one thing  The book the One Thing by Gary Keller teaches that focusing on one thing can help you complete your work then it would if you multitask that can distract you and never get anything done.


So there you have it sticking to these 10 life hacks will guarantee that you have a successful road map in life.  

Stay tuned for more and keep your eyes on the north star.