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An excerpt from the Foreword

As we continue along this journey to the release of this Anthology, this week, all of the contributing authors are sharing excerpts from their chapters.

I too, am sharing an excerpt from the Foreword.

"The Samaritan woman, whose life mirrors many women, showed how the understanding, patience and correction of a loving Natural and Heavenly Father could transform her life." -Yasu

Thank you to all who have reserved your signed copy! The official release will be here before we know it and we're excited! While we are waiting for that moment, this journey has provided us opportunities to release a lot of our issues, so please follow all contributing authors social media to stay connected.

Follow Our Contributing Authors:

Rashaunda Marie

Queen Cole

Yasu (Foreword)

Adeyinka Kilani

Danielle Hall

Doroeathea J. Beach

Dr. Esther Nnadi

Jae Vonne Stewart

LaToya Bilbo

LaKesha McKie

Leyla LumieĢre

Melinda Hunter

Misty Swancy

Renesha Holmes

Susan Gladstein