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Introduction to Subject & Predicate

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These worksheets are designed to be an introduction to learning what is the subject and predicate in a sentence. Great addition to any lesson plans specially for struggling students.

Page 1&2 contain 16 cards which can be used to mix and match to create whole sentences to aid in learning the subject and predicate.
Page 3 to 5 involve pictures for students to visualize the subject and use reasoning to match the predicate it belongs with.
Page 6 & 7 the students will read each sentence and circle each complete subject and underline every complete predicate.
Page 8 Kiddos will write ten sentences about summer. After writing each sentence they will circle the complete subjects and underline the complete predicates.
Page 9 Only the subject will be on each sentence and the children will have to complete each sentence by writing a predicate.
Page 10 Only the predicate will be on each sentence and the children will have to complete each sentence by writing a subject.
Page 11 Draw one line under the subject & two lines under the predicate of each sentence.
Page 12 & 13 Color the predicate and the subject according to the colors chosen for each.

Total 25 pages.
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