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111 to Healing with Past Life Regression ebook

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111 to Healing with Past Life Regression answers all your 111 questions to Past Life Regression Healing Therapy.

You are here for a reason!

You …
… Have been asking questions like …
WHO AM I? What is my life purpose? Why am I doing here on earth?
… Have you been waking up around 2-3am in the morning? Wondering why got up from your sleep?
… Have you been thinking of calling someone whom you have lost touch with for years?
… You suddenly experience weird feeling of knowing that you are a spiritual being living a human experience. There is more than your current life.
… Your awareness level of your surrounding is heightened. You know there are more to what meet the eyes. You can feel it, you have this sense of knowing deep within you.
… You are starting to be aware of the people and events that are appearing before your very eyes.
… You feel the magic, something that you are not able to explain with your common sense.
… You know … You intuitively know that there is something more, but you are not sure what it is …
So, what is this?

If you are …

… having dreams or nightmare frequently?
… hearing, reading and even been researching about alternative healing like crystal healing, energy healing, reiki healing or past life regression healing?

.. having a sense of familiarity when visiting places you have not visited before?
… having a sense that you know or have met the person you have just met a few moments ago?
… experiencing the feeling of deja vu?

… going through some painful, emotional, or mental breakdown that cannot be addressed?
… sudden hatred for someone?
… sudden hatred of pungent smell of a person, a place or food?

If you are …

… simply curious about life, reincarnation and if you have any past lives…?
…attracted to knowing about near death experience, reincarnation, past lives?

… heightened sensory like smell, intuition, psychic power, special abilities of reading people, aura, energy, the sense of knowing, even premonitions?
… seeing repetitive numbers like 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555 and so on …

… Discover your answers to past life regression healing therapy …

Also available in Amazon.

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