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Dental Health & Hygiene Teeth Brushing Play Mat Activities with Word Families

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❤️Looking for a fun and engaging way to celebrate Dental Health Week / Month this February?

❤️These colorful, differentiated teeth brushing mats are the perfect way to help your preschool, kindergarten, or first grade students master dental health concepts, while practicing their literacy, math, and fine motor skills!

✏️Students love using a toothbrush, tissue, or cotton swab to brush "dirty teeth" and find hidden mystery letters, numbers, shapes, or pictures!

✏️Learners can match the mystery pictures they find to the mini cards. They can also practice building the CVC words they find using the mini cards.

✏️Children can pretend to be a dentist and clean “dirty teeth”.

✏️Substitute dry erase markers for shaving cream or toothpaste!

✏️Use the blank play mat to draw cavities on the teeth for students to clean!


⭐️This resource is low prep! Just print, place in a plastic sleeve protector (or laminate) and add dry erase markers!

⭐️Great for whole group, individual work, centers, sub tubpartner work, early finishers, sensory play, dramatic play, or extra practice at home!

⭐️Check out the preview for a sneak peek!


✅ Includes: (132 pages)

Teeth brushing play mats: (105 pages)

☑ Blank (1 page)

☑ Dental hygiene (2 pages)

☑ Lowercase letters (5 pages)

☑ Uppercase letters (5 pages)

☑ Lowercase & uppercase letters (6 pages)

☑ Numbers (3 pages)

☑ Shapes (11 pages)

☑ CVC word family -at (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -an (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -ap (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -ag (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -ad (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -ig (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -in (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -ip (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -it (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -it (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -et (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -en (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -og (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -op (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -ot (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -ub (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -ug (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -un (4 pages)

☑ CVC word family -ut (4 pages)

Mini cards: (27 pages)

☑ Dental hygiene mini cards (27 pages)

✅ Bonus:

☑ Table of contents

☑ How to use


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