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Fact or Opinion PLUS Short Opinion Writing

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This resource will help your students find opinions in conversations using opinion words. They will derive facts and opinion by looking at pictures and much more. So much variety in this resource allows for easy understanding whether writing, reading, cutting and gluing or coloring. Some of the activities will require glue and scissors. After this resource is completed your kiddos will know the difference between a fact and an opinion by listening to keywords.

This download includes the following printable worksheets:

Page 1 - Medium sized poster explaining what is a fact and opinion.
Page 2 & 3 - Full page size poster explaining what is a fact and opinion.
Page 4 - Medium B&W poster.
Page 5 & 6 - Full page B&W poster.
Page 7 - Watch Bob and Chef talk. Decide whether each sentence is a fact or opinion.
Page 8 - Decide whether each sentence is a fact or opinion.
Page 9 - Looking at facts and opinions. Look at each picture and decide whether was is stated about it is a fact or opinion.
Page 10 - Opinion writing. The students will write 3 facts and 3 opinions about the picture.
Page 11 - Using opinion words. Opinion words are introduced ex: I like.., I believe.., I think.., and students use the opinion words to write 3 opinions and 3 facts about themselves.
Page 12 - Find the Opinion. The students will see two characters having a conversation and decided who is stating an opinion and who is stating a fact.
Page 13 - Animal Facts. Students will circle the facts of each animal and cross out the opinions.
Page 14 - Guide to Opinion Writing in B&W. Explains step by step on how to write an opinion piece.
Page 15 - Guide to Opinion Writing in color. Explains step by step on how to write an opinion piece.
Page 16 & 17 - Students will cut and paste the sentences on the 17th page and paste them under the proper tab to show if it is a fact or opinion on the 16th page.
Page 18 - Deriving facts and opinion from pictures. The students will see an object and state a fact and opinion about said item.
Page 19 - Coloring facts and opinions. Students will color the apples red for facts and yellow for opinion.
Page 20 to 22 - 12 task cards to be cut out and sorted with answer recording sheet. Great for use in centers. Laminate for longer use.

Answer key is included with this resource.

Total 35 pages.

Hope this helps,
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