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CAUSISM™: Discover the key to emotional health and wellbeing

Used by trained practitioners around the world, Causism™ is a powerful tool for emotional healing, that is having remarkable effects on people’s lives. In a total departure from conventional counselling, it does not involve any self-disclosure and requires only one or two therapy sessions which can even be carried out face2face, online by Zoom, Messenger, WhatsApp, Skype or by telephone.

In his compelling book, John Mace describes the revolutionary concept of Causism™ and its practical component, the Mace Energy Method, and explains how we unknowingly create negative identities that influence our thoughts, feelings, relationships, life activities and prevent us from obtaining our goals and dreams. He will also take readers on a journey of discovery and understanding, as they follow these concepts through to their logical and fascinating conclusions in how these hidden negative identities can be located and dis-created permanently.

Causism™ will truly change the course of people’s lives! And has a simple credo: No individual, group, or organisation, no matter how big and powerful has lien on knowledge. Knowledge belongs to all!

Based on years of research and experience, this simple but extraordinarily affective therapy allows people to regain control of their own lives and to experience a true sense of self. Not only does it put people back on the path to emotional and psychological health and eliminate the stress that underlines many physical health problems, it helps individuals attain increased self awareness, well-being and confidence.

“Some of the contents of this book were earlier published under a different the title, but further very important research has widened its scope, hence the need this edition.”

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