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Over 100 Family Nudism Videos For Sale! - From

We are selling a .pdf file that links to all of the full length videos from

You will receive a 250 KB .pdf file.

Nudism for all ages is 100% legal in most countries. If you visit the nudism site's video catalog, you will see a list of 100+ videos featuring family nudism. Many videos feature females only, all ages, kids to adults.

What we have is a .pdf file with that same list of videos from the video catalog, but the hyperlink URL takes you directly to the .mp4 or .wmv video file that you can stream or download.

Send $50 USD via Monero (XMR) cryptocurrency to the address below. Send a note with your email address or email me directly at: t e c h 9 8 7 6 @ p r o t o n . m e (remove the spaces).

If you don't have XMR, I can accept a variety of other crypto payments (BTC, USDT, ETH, etc.).

I will email you the .pdf file which is entitled "vids" for confidentiality.

Monero (XMR) Address:


Monero (XMR) QR Code:

You will get a PDF (25KB) file