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Grade K DOWNLOAD Calendar Pieces Every Day Counts

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A lot of math in a little time!

Authors: Beth Ardell, Jan Gillespie, & Patsy Kanter


Print your individual set of monthly Every Day Counts Calendar Pieces to replace your worn-out or missing pieces, or as a new resource to share with your kindergarteners today!

Each month’s unique kindergarten Every Day Counts calendar pattern of colors and geometric shapes gives students lots of “math to see and talk about”. 

Topics throughout the school year to guide your focus questions and student thinking for preview and review include:
  • 1-to-1 counting, cardinality, comparing and ordering, 1 more/1 less
  • subitizing, knowing part-part-whole to 5
  • reading numerals to 31, using ordinals, and counting on to add
  • recognizing and naming 2-D and 3-D figures using language of geometry
  • describing likenesses and differences when sorting and classifying
  • learning calendar concepts of yesterday/today/tomorrow, school days, weekends, months of the year
  • using color and number patterns to predict attributes of a future calendar piece

As each piece appears, students have fun sharing observations, seeing number relationships, and justifying predictions while building math language and understandings over time. 

For more information about using Every Day Counts Calendar Math see

For use with Every Day Counts Calendar Math Kits (2012, 2005) or alone. This PDF download purchase contains 36 pages of masters to print for one Grade K classroom.

  • 30 color pages of Calendar Pieces for August-May
  • 1 color page of Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow markers
  • 1 black & white page of Birthday Basket and Presents
  • 4 black & white pages of Month Strips for January‒December

File size: 8.4 MB

Limited reproduction permission: The authors grant permission to individual teachers who have purchased this download to reproduce the calendar pieces, markers, birthday basket and presents, and month strips, as hard copies only, as needed for use with their own students. Reproducing or distributing this material or portions of it in any other format is prohibited. Reproduction for an entire grade level, school, or district, or for commercial use is prohibited. For a school-wide or district-wide download license for multiple users, address inquiries to Permissions: Gillespie Kanter Group, LLC, email All other rights are reserved to Gillespie Kanter Group, LLC.
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