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Digital Loving All of Me: 30 Day Self- Care Journal

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I looked around and years down the line, I realized that I didn't know what a healthy relationship looked like with myself. I worried so much about my relationships with others, that I completely missed how rewarding it is to love on me. Truth is, I never realized that how others perceived me was a direct result with how I presented myself. How I presented myself to the world, came from how I thought about myself. So, I went on a journey of self-discovery. I wanted to love all of me at all times. I wanted to date myself and find out about me, that way I can be the most authentic around anyone at anytime. In the time I was discovering myself, I found that having a schedule helped me be consistent. I was able to focus my thoughts and hold myself accountable. This book was birthed with that in mind. I wanted to make a resource that will assist you through every aspect of loving you. With everyday life, as humans, we can easily forget things. We can focus on one part and forget another. With Loving All of Me Journal, you will have everything you need to be successful and be aware of your progress. Journey with me, as we journal through Loving All of Me. -Dreeka
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