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Academic Desire

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Has a professor ever caught your eye? A steamy new lesson needs to be learned. 

Todd Lambert is in his third year, working toward a Sociology degree. A new professor is taking over their Sociology of Sexuality course. Despite being some thirty-five years his senior, the hot, easy-going professor catches Todd's eye. Todd thinks it might be reciprocal. 

Under the guise of needing extra help from the professor, Todd makes an appointment to meet him in his office. He can't stop the lustful looks he keeps shooting the professor's way. 

Surprising him, Walter Ward, his professor, picks up on his signals and approaches him during their meeting. Todd isn't looking for any special favors. Just the professor's attention. 

The professor ends up giving him more than Todd expected. The age difference between them never even coming into play. Walter is as virile as he is commanding. 

The lessons learned that afternoon will stick with Todd for a long time to come.
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