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PMU Cheek Blush Course

Welcome to the PMU Cheek Blush Online Training Course! This course will provide you with all the necessary information and skills to create beautiful and natural-looking cheek blush using Permanent Makeup techniques.

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Are you ready to embark on a new adventure? Welcome to MyBrows Academy, your guide to a great-looking future. Our goal is to equip students with the skills, experience, and confidence they need to become successful professionals. We use cutting-edge products, innovative techniques, and highly skilled instructors to provide our students with the very best. MyBrows Academy welcomes every student into our family, providing you with every opportunity to complete your studies at the lowest cost possible. We are committed to helping you achieve your career goals and will provide you with the academic and personal support you need to successfully complete your program.

Our Mission

Our mission at MyBrows Academy is to prepare dedicated students for successful careers in the PMU and lash industry by providing exceptional online training and lifelong support. As an online academy dedicated to providing top-notch education, we constantly update our teaching and training methods to better suit our students and equip them for a successful career as PMU or Lash Artists.

We understand that the PMU and lash industry is constantly evolving with advancements in technology, techniques, and styles. That's why we strive to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and guide our students on their career journey in this dynamic field. Our goal is to provide a solid foundation for future generations of PMU and Lash artists, setting them up for success in this ever-changing industry.


While some people are comfortable at their normal, daily jobs, by opening up this page you obviously aren’t one of those people! A career in the PMU or Lash industry will allow you to be social, work freely as an entrepreneur, make your own schedule, possibly even work with celebrities, and control your income by reflection of your work. You may even decide you would like to pass on your learned skills and become an instructor! We will always be here to help you and guide you, but your work and ethic will ultimately reflect you, and the type of career you will succeed in.

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Course curriculum