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Master Google Ads: 121 Coaching Sessions

This package of x4 coaching sessions will guide you step-by-step, empowering you with the knowledge and skills needed to create effective ad campaigns, select the right keywords, optimise your bidding strategies, and maximise your ROI.

Here's what you really want to know:

Get ready to unlock your Google Ads potential and take your campaigns to the next level with this comprehensive coaching program. Let's empower you with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to succeed in the ever-evolving world of online advertising.

  • Personalised Guidance: The coaching program is designed to provide you with one-on-one attention and personalised guidance. I understand that each business is unique, and tailor the coaching sessions to address your specific goals, challenges, and industry.

  • Proven Strategies: Gain access to insider knowledge and proven strategies that have helped countless businesses succeed with Google Ads. I'll share the latest industry insights, best practices, and actionable techniques to optimise your campaigns and maximise your return on investment.

  • Hands-On Approach: This coaching program goes beyond theory. I believe in a hands-on approach, where I will guide you through practical exercises, real-world examples, and live demonstrations. Get ready to dive into the Google Ads platform, implement strategies, and see the results firsthand.

  • Results-Driven Focus: This coaching program is all about delivering results. I'm dedicated to helping you achieve your advertising goals, whether it's increasing website traffic, generating more leads, or boosting sales. Expect a laser-focused approach that aligns with your business objectives.

  • Flexible Schedule: I understand the importance of flexibility in today's fast-paced business environment. This coaching program offers flexible scheduling options, allowing you to choose the session timings that work best for you and your busy schedule.

  1. Customised Curriculum: I take into account your existing knowledge and experience with Google Ads. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced advertiser, I customise the curriculum to ensure it meets your specific needs, challenges, and skill level.

I'm a paid ads manager for 6-7 figure companies.

When it comes to paid ads, I’m the guy clients come to when they want to dominate their industry with an unstoppable online presence.

From crafting killer ad copy to nailing audience targeting, I’ve got the winning formula to generate jaw-dropping ROI.

As a musician, turned graphic designer, turned digital marketer, turned creator. I know what it takes to get attention, drive targeted traffic, maximise conversions, and unleash the full potential of online advertising campaigns.

What people are saying

Artboard 1

If you're serious about mastering Google Ads and taking your business to new heights, this coaching program is a must!

— Emily S

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Sam's expertise and in-depth knowledge of the platform were invaluable.

— Michael R

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The personalised guidance and hands-on approach helped me optimise my campaigns and achieve remarkable results.

— Jessica L

Before You Book In...

Please fill out the form below. Provide any relevant information such as personal website urls, LinkedIn profile etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I'm not happy with my purchase can I get a refund?

Please in get contact at any time if you're not satisfied with your coaching. I do my best to ensure all clients are happy and need to determine on a case-by-case basis the eligibility of refunds.

How does appointment scheduling work?

When you've completed purchasing you'll be able to login to your coaching account and can find out the next steps required to book a time for your appointment from there.

Is it possible to buy coaching more than once?

For sure! You simply need to purchase coaching again and will be able to get access to another set of coaching sessions.