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Crafting a Meaningful Travel Journal

A 56-minute Video Course

About This Class

Welcome to a transformative journey of self-expression and exploration with this online course, "Crafting A Meaningful Travel Journal." This course is designed for adventurous souls and creative minds who seek to capture the essence of their travels in a truly unique and profound way.

Hi, I'm Agnes de Bezenac, an artist, illustrator, teacher and a Wellness Coach from France.

This course delves into the art of transforming your travel experiences into captivating narratives. Through a series of short and sweet classes, you'll learn how to blend photos, memorabilia, thoughts and emotions to create a travel journal that goes beyond mere documentation – it becomes a cherished pool of memories, insights, and even personal growth and wellbeing.


This course highlights:

  • A few fundamental principles of journaling, including techniques for observation, reflection, and introspection.
  • Developing your unique voice and style
  • Exploring the visual elements of journaling, from choosing images, sketching, doodling to crafting and collaging.
  • Fostering a deeper understanding of the places you visit as you gain insights into connecting with locals, uncovering hidden gems, and embracing the enriching aspects of cultural exchange or the beauties of nature.
  • Reflecting on the emotional highs and lows of your journey, the challenges, lessons learned, what you can improve next time…

By the end of this course, you'll have crafted a travel journal that not only serves as a treasured keepsake but also as a source of inspiration, reflection, and personal growth. Join me on this playful expedition and unlock the secrets to capturing the beauty and meaning of your travels in an authentic and profound way, through the art of meaningful travel journaling.

This course is from beginners to any level. You can delve deeply into it or “just for fun”, it’s up to you. No needed skills needed prior to this course, just an open mind to ask yourself questions and the willingness to follow your heart into those “creative joys”.

The specific steps outlined in this course are:

  • Handy materials you may need
  • Sorting and organizing your memorabilia
  • Categorizing your photos
  • Pay layout ideas
  • Journal prompts
  • Putting it all together
  • Titles and texts
  • Page fill-ins and extras
  • Drawing doodles
  • A journal flip-through
  • Meaningful quotes

 I look forward to seeing you in class!

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