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Evil Eye Kit

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Protection against the evil eye is a belief and practice found in various cultures worldwide. It involves guarding oneself or others against negative energy or harm caused by jealousy or envy from others' malevolent glances.

Blue candles, prevalent in traditions like Hoodoo, represent tranquility and spiritual strength, serving as beacons of protection against negative forces

Holy water, blue candles, and alumbre are integral components of spiritual practices aimed at protection and purification across diverse cultures. Holy water, sanctified by religious authorities, holds symbolic power in Christianity, utilized for warding off evil and sanctifying spaces. Blue candles, prevalent in traditions like Hoodoo, represent tranquility and spiritual strength, serving as beacons of protection against negative forces. Alumbre, or alum, a mineral revered in various spiritual traditions, is believed to absorb negativity and purify environments when employed in rituals or placed strategically. Together, these elements signify a collective effort to safeguard against malevolent energies and promote spiritual well-being, reflecting the enduring human inclination towards ritualistic practices for spiritual protection and purification.