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Republic Occupation of Alderaan

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CUSTOM Alderaan

SET PRICE: $24.99 // 7K ROBUX

A peaceful world of lush valleys and snow-capped mountains, Alderaan was once regarded for its natural beauty, its tranquility, and the sophistication of its arts and culture. Before the Imperial uprising, Alderaan was represented in the waning days of the Republic by such venerated politicians as Bail Organa.


- Huge map with an insanely detailed forest outside

- Amazing scenery and lighting to compliment the builds

- Mountains, caves, and elevations with waterfalls that give a beautiful look added with a command outpost ontop to view it all

- Lots of capture points and points of interest

- Multiple Republic and Separatist Crash sites

- Fully furnished Republic base with Interior along with Separatist outpost

- Comes with Full Alderaan City with Republic integrations such as meeting rooms, prison, rally area, Republic outpost, formal rally center, barracks, military and civilian prisons, offices, Chancellor's Office, Cantina and much more!

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