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2023-03-14 Kimberley - The Hitchhiker's shoe - Part 1 C (05-2016)

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Finally the car arrives at home and Julie gently helps Kimberley top hop to the house where Kimberley limps up all the stairs to her apartment. There she hops into the living room and on the couch and Julie is checking Kimberley's foot aftrer removing the white sock. Kimberley is hopping around in the apartment with the pantyhosed foot in the air before she removes the pantyhose in the final part of the clip and hops around with only one bare and one socked foot.


Keywords: sprain, one shoe, pantyhose, sock, barefoot, hopping, limping

Format: MP4

Length: 10 minutes

Resolution: 1920x1080

You will get a MP4 (734MB) file

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