Ural-63099 Typhoon MRAP
Ural-63099 Typhoon MRAP
The Ural Taifun Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle was developed as part of a large Russia's Taifun vehicle programme. Sometimes it is referred as Taifun-U. Letter "U" in the designation stands for "Ural" truck maker. Another member of this family is KamAZ Taifun MRAP, also known as Taifun-K. There is a high degree of commonality between various vehicles of this family. The Ural Taifun was first revealed in 2011. Initially it was palnned that these armored vehicles will enter service with the Russian Army in 2014. The main role of Ural Taifun MRAP is to carry troops in combat theatres where mines and improvised explosive devices are likely to be encountered. Alternatively this vehicle can be used as command post, armored ambulance, carry specialized equipment, weapons, or fulfill other roles.