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Jakarta: Past, Present Future | January - February 2024

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January 2024 marks NOW! Jakarta's 15th Anniversary, one and a half decades of publishing and sharing about 'Life in the Capital'.

During this milestone, we take a moment to reflect. Firstly, publisher Alistair Speirs tells the story of the founding of NOW! Magazines (and how he didn't really want to start it in the first place!); and in our main features in this edition, we ponder the interesting changes that Jakarta has experienced, and will experience.

Our Publisher and Editor present their differing perspectives of Jakarta observed from two lenses: the past and the present. Then, we look at the capital city to come and what that will mean for the country.

Our mission at NOW! Jakarta has always been to inspire, enlighten and inform. We believe in local products, community engagement, art and culture. Of course, we hope to inspire interesting ways to enjoy life in Jakarta, whether that's sharing the latest in food and beverage, upcoming events, family experiences, travel and leisure recommendations and much more.

In this edition, and every edition before and to come, our stories reflect these values and we hope that these make for a rich reading experience for all. At the start of this new year, and on our 15th anniversary, we thank you, our readers, community, partners and friends! Please enjoy our Anniversary Edition.

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