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FREE Safe Zone Templates

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FREE Safe Zone Template for YouTube Shorts, IG Reels and Tik Tok Videos

With all the cutdowns for social media, it’s hard to keep track of how videos will be displayed on users devices. One of the main challenges on Instagram is knowing where and Instagram Reel will be cropped from 9:16 to 4:5 when displayed in the IG feed. You want to have a full vertical video when displayed in the Reels tab, but when a preview is played in the Instagram feed the app automatically crops the video to 4:5.

With these free templates, not only can you see where your videos will get cropped, you can also make sure things like text or people’s heads don’t get cropped out. I put together PNG overlays for you to view directly in your editing app.

With the safe zone templates, you can get an idea of where it’s best to place your subject while knowing where text, buttons, usernames and more will be displayed.
You will get the following files:
  • PNG (497KB)
  • PNG (502KB)
  • PNG (576KB)