Rich Bitch Money Mindset Program
On Sale
Money is so fucking easy to attract.
I'm talking you can manifest it in HOURS!
You're the one who makes it hard.
You're the one who doesn't want to look at money - you shame money and you shame yourself in the process.
You're the block in the way of money wanting to come in and love you.
You block it when you don't address:
The Rich Bitch Moneymind
I see too many women with unhealed traumas and patterns surrounding money shame, it's INSANE how much we block ourselves off from receiving money + abundance in general!
It doesn't matter who you are, money is important as you need to use money every day to live your life - so why not learn how to master the energetics of it?
We worry about money all the time.
Money = multiple choices = freedom.
We want freedom, yet we are shackled by money.
It changes here NOW within the Moneymind.
What you will get in the best money course OUT:
Tranmission #1: Your Current Relationship With Money & HOW To Shift Your Belief Systems
Transmission #2: How To Detach Your Emotions From Money & Take Money Off The Pedastal
Transmission #3: The Difference Between CASH & WEALTH, Learning Different Asset Classes & How To Grow Your NET WORTH
Transmission #4: How To Manifest Money & Other Fun Things By UNDERSTANDING How The Quantum Field Works (The Science Behind How A Thought Becomes A Thing!)
I'm talking you can manifest it in HOURS!
You're the one who makes it hard.
You're the one who doesn't want to look at money - you shame money and you shame yourself in the process.
You're the block in the way of money wanting to come in and love you.
You block it when you don't address:
- Childhood/past money/ancestral trauma.
- Outdated money belief and stories.
- Heal your resistance and feelings towards money.
- You make excuses constantly; saying you came from a poor upbringing as a child or that money mindset work doesn't help to attract more money.
The Rich Bitch Moneymind
I see too many women with unhealed traumas and patterns surrounding money shame, it's INSANE how much we block ourselves off from receiving money + abundance in general!
It doesn't matter who you are, money is important as you need to use money every day to live your life - so why not learn how to master the energetics of it?
We worry about money all the time.
Money = multiple choices = freedom.
We want freedom, yet we are shackled by money.
It changes here NOW within the Moneymind.
What you will get in the best money course OUT:
Tranmission #1: Your Current Relationship With Money & HOW To Shift Your Belief Systems
Transmission #2: How To Detach Your Emotions From Money & Take Money Off The Pedastal
Transmission #3: The Difference Between CASH & WEALTH, Learning Different Asset Classes & How To Grow Your NET WORTH
Transmission #4: How To Manifest Money & Other Fun Things By UNDERSTANDING How The Quantum Field Works (The Science Behind How A Thought Becomes A Thing!)