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Shame - Clothing

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Dress & shoes port for NeoLithe+


Dress replaces Raincoat

Shoes and socks replace Rain Boots

Uses NeoLithe+ S chest, S legs, knees, shins, elbow, wrists. Will clip with other body bases.


  • 2 dress toggles (polo off, straps off)
  • 3 shoes toggles (chains off, socks off, crystals off)
  • Duo dye


Can clip with some poses & scaling.

Weights are not perfect but I did my best.

Will clip with other body bases than NeoLithe+.

Due to the mesh shape, positions with heavy arms lifting will display stretching on armpits.

I recommend using the default modpack.

Low-res modpack will alter textures resolution, artefacting, colorsetting & transparency issue might ensue.


Lye for NeoLithe+

LM for base assets

Public release: March 2024

You will get a ZIP (180MB) file