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Changing Seasons

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I’ve always imagined love to resemble coloring outside of the lines. Our kismet fate painted in hues of violets and blues. Oranges and reds spearing the flames of heaven’s divine grace as it tied our souls. An obscure canvas covered by the colors we made. Dismissing traditional rules of falling in love by choosing a different beat of me and my lover’s nirvana-laced drum.

However, where there is love, there is pain.

Heartbreak snatched me out of my love cocoon. Chewing me up and spitting me out into a cycle of delirium. Still inhaling and exhaling the breath of my ex-lover. The cruelty of it left more scars than the claws of our enemies tiring themselves out to break what could never be unyoked.

Tasting the bitterness of heartbreak almost ruined me. He almost ruined me and I wanted revenge in the sweetest way possible. This was my moment to get the seven-year-long closure I’ve been wanting. The freedom to release myself from him. For him to release the hold he’s had on me - To get my heart back.