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Native American Heritage Month - Indigenous Totem Pole Writing Craft Activities & Worksheets

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❤️Looking for a fun and creative way to celebrate Native American Heritage or Indigenous Peoples' Day in your classroom?

❤️Your students will love learning about totem poles and how they were used in Native American cultures, while making beautiful writing craft projects and worksheets!


✏️Use the cultural guide and symbols guide to teach (social studies/history) about totem poles and how they were used in Native American cultures.

✏️Students can choose from 13 animals to create their personalized totem pole based on traits that they or their family members have.

✏️Crafts are differentiated! Students can color or decorate their craft, choose from a variety of writing prompts, and writing sheet options (dotted vs. single lines etc.)

✏️Dive deeper with reading comprehension, true or falsevocabulary, and sentence-fixing worksheets!

✏️Use the arts and craft writing projects to meaningfully decorate your bulletin board, classroomor hallwaywhile displaying your students' creativity!


⭐️Great for centers (literacy, writing, art), whole group lessons, independent work, partner work, indoor recess, sub tub, intervention programs and more!

⭐️This resource is low prep and will save you time! Simply print and go!

⭐️Create a writing bulletin boarddoor, or hallway by displaying craftivities!


✅ Includes: (35 pages)

Teaching Materials: (5 pages)

☑ Totem pole information (2 pages)

☑ Animal symbols guide (3 pages)

Craft Project: (5 pages)

☑ Craft directions (1 page)

☑ Craft example (1 page)

☑ Craft pieces (3 pages)

Writing Projects: (13 pages)

☑ Animal name tracing - dotted lines (3 pages)

☑ Animal name / trait - blank dotted lines (1 page)

☑ Animal name / trait - blank solid lines (1 page)

☑ Sequencing (first, next, then, etc.) - blank dotted lines (2 pages)

☑ Sequencing (first, next, then, etc.) - blank solid lines (2 pages)

☑ "My Totem Pole" - dotted lines (1 page)

☑ "All About Totem Poles" - dotted lines (1 page)

☑ "My Totem Pole" - solid lines (1 page)

☑ "All About Totem Poles" - solid lines (1 page)

Worksheets: (12 pages)

☑ Reading comprehension (3 pages)

☑ True or False (3 pages)

☑ Vocabulary words (3 pages)

☑ Fix the sentences (3 pages)

 Bonus: (39 pages)

☑ What you need to know (1 page)

☑ Table of contents (3 pages)

☑ Black and white set (35 pages)


✏️Writing prompt ideas:

☑ animal symbol names

☑ animal symbol traits

☑ all about totem poles in Native American cultures

☑ all about the students' personalized totem pole

✅ Animal symbols included: (13 animals)

☑ badger

☑ bear

☑ beaver

☑ deer

☑ fox

☑ frog

☑ moose

☑ otter

☑ owl

☑ rabbit

☑ squirrel

☑ thunderbird

☑ wolf


If you have any questions, please contact me:

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look. Wishing you a wonderful school year!


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