Kindergarten Sight Words - Read, Color, Write, Count
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This engaging packet includes 69 sight words for Kindergarten kiddos.
Read the words together, color, write & count!
The worksheets are set in levels 1 to 8, ranging from easy to difficult. Each level contains at the least 4 pages and at the end of each level the kiddos will color by counting the letters in each sight word and in doing so will review the learned sight words.
Check the preview to see the sight words list and also to see how the worksheets will look like.
Have fun!
Total 31 pages.
Read the words together, color, write & count!
The worksheets are set in levels 1 to 8, ranging from easy to difficult. Each level contains at the least 4 pages and at the end of each level the kiddos will color by counting the letters in each sight word and in doing so will review the learned sight words.
Check the preview to see the sight words list and also to see how the worksheets will look like.
Have fun!
Total 31 pages.